Our Donors

We’re heading into our 35th Season!

And we’re so grateful to all of the donors and funders who have helped us get here – we continue to present new works in our intensely intimate space safe.  Don’t see your name here?  Please consider a donation today!

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2023-24 Season Funders

Thanks to everyone who has supported us so far for Season 33:

anonymous: various & MANY!

Candace Adams

Rica Anderson

Sue Ballinger

Joann Steck Bayat & Hossain Bayat

Linda Beidleman

Anne Beytin Torkington in memory of Linda Schieber

Diana Bort

Suzanne Bregman

Edythe Bresnahan

Mary Helen Briscoe

Zelda Bronstein

Gretchen Brosius

Lisa Bruce

Tim DeWolf & Cristina Campbell in honor of Linda Schieber

Barbara Sheng & Brad Cantos

Milissa Carey

Dale Hopkins & Jeff Carlock

Ann Claesgens

Susanne Stoffel & Michael Coan

Marilyn Colby

Tom Consoli

Karin & Victor Cordell

Don & Judy Davis

Joanne De Phillips

Allan Cunningham & Ellen Dietschy

Betsy Dixon

Bruce Dodd

Linda Dondero

Mona Dreicer

Dennis Edds

Elizabeth Edelstein

Dusty Sykes & Carolyn Edwards

Henry Erlich

Lisa Esherick

Susan Taylor & Bob Fabry

Marta Falicov

Deb Fink

Candace Fitzgerald

Kevin & Brenda Fitzpatrick

Nancy Friedman

David Fry

David Gelfand

Sarah Gill

Michaela Goldhaber

Carol & Arthur Goldman

Anita Grandpre

Lee & Patrick Hackett

Pamela Haenke-Clark

Anne Hallinan

Lisa Hammond

Jay Harlow

William Davis & Carol-Joy Harris

Ken Hempel

Brian and Jocelyn Herndon

George Heymont

Alandra Hileman

Caroline Hillhouse

Estie Hudes

Craig & Deborah Janke

Andrew & Susan Jokelson

Guy Joslin

Casey Kho

Karen Kline

Hillary Lorraine & Donald Klose

Gar McVey-Russell & Peter Klehm

Jeremy Knight

Marian Kohlstedt

Marcia Kolb

Arlene & Welton Lee

Laurence LePaule

Yuriria Lobato & Hilary Lerner

Hank Levy

Mildred Lewis

Eugenia Loken

Robin Low

Phil Lowery

Neela & Bill Manley

Georgia Maslowski

Jayne Matthews

Denise Mauldin

Ted McClellan

The Meier-Jacob Family

Hector & Linda Mendez

Joseph Michael

Elisa Mikitin

Laura & Phillip Miller

Dean Pichotto & Ann Moen

James & Juliane Monroe

Joseph & Mary Morganti

Phoebe Moyer

Maris & Ivan Myerson

Richard Nelson

Erica Nietfeld

Michael Scott & Ellen O’Brian

Vicki Oliveira

Ayofeme Oseye

Cindy and David Michael Ott

Rebecca Parlette-Edwards

John Pernick

Kris Peterson

Catherine Philippon

Henri Picciotto

Margaret Pinter

Vivian Pisano

Jessica Powell

Madeleine Puccioni

Sandra Ramsey

Jon & Jane Raymond

Vincent & Cheryl Resh

Eric Rheinheimer

Gregg Richardson

Terry Rillera

Barbara Robben

Mary Ann Rodgers

Marti Roush

Anne & Boyard Rowe

Deborah Dashow Ruth

Pat Saunders

Linda & Will Schieber

Susan Marinoff & Thomas Schrag

Katherine Gale & John Shepherd

Al Hoffman & David Shepherd

Christine Sheppard

Cheryl Thompson & John Sherry

Tami & Alan Shindel

Suzanne Siebert

Candida Silva

Harriet Simpson

Laura Singer

Ann Singer

Elly Skarakis

Harold Smith

Sherry Smith

Kyila & John Sninsky

Jerome Solberg

Flora Sommers

Bob Spatz

Sheryl & William Springer

Laura Boxer & Hedy Straus

Bhuma Subramaniam

Joan Sullivan

Jane & Clif Taylor

Colin Thomson

Sheldon & Helen Tinsley-Jones

Michael Tuton

Gerald Umezawa

Linda Vallee

Gretchen von Duering

Jerry & Renee Wachtel

Sandy & Linda Wagner

Dorothy Walker

Ellen Widess & Rick Warren

Maria & James Weller

Richard & Catherine West

Susan & Tom Weston

Tom Weston

Tina Arnold & Tom White through the Leslie Scalapino-O Books Fund

Diane Wilson

Adrian Elfenbaum & Joanne Winter

Charlene Woodcock

Linda Wraxall

Rochelle Wald & Sara Wynne

Lois Yuen