Sam Jackson in Project Ahab, 2015 (photo: Jim Norrena)
Want to give more but can’t do it all today?
Consider a RECURRING GIFT: click the “Donate Now” button for details:
Or mail a check to: Central Works, P.O. Box 9771, Berkeley, CA 94709
Want to make a real difference to a specific project or show (we’re still working on them)? Consider becoming a Project Sponsor; contact for more information.
Would you like to make a gift in honor or memory of someone you love? Make your donation through the link above and leave acknowledgement instructions in the notes and name fields provided. Or contact with your information or questions.
Does your employer have a matching donation program?
You may be able to double your impact. Call us with any questions: 510.558.1381
Want to donate something else?
Just contact us and let us know; we’d love to hear from you!
Central Works is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that cannot exist without the additional support of patrons like you.
Elena Wright in Charlotte Perkin’s Gilman’s THE YELLOW WALLPAPER, 2015 (photo: Jim Norrena)