1991 Season

The Widow’s Blind Date

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Written by Israel Horovitz
Directed by D. Lance Marsh
Produced in: 1991

Central Works presents its debut production, the Northern California premiere of a provocative revenge drama.

In the baling room of a Massachusetts wastepaper company, two former high school buddies, suddenly reunited, receive a visit from another former schoolmate they have both lusted over since the 2nd grade.  What ensues is tense, funny and ultimately both fulfilling and terrifying.

Samuel Gregory *
Søren Oliver
Karen Pruis

Stage management: Jennifer Beckendorf
Technical Support: John Gordon/Jay Parks
Videography: John Gordon

Producers: Denise Santisteban/Jan Zvaifler

* member AEA

Søren Oliver & Karen Pruis in the N. California premiere of The Widow’s Blind Date by Israel Horowitz.  Presented at La Val’s Subterranean in Berkeley.

Photo by W. Oliver

“Central Works, a new company, gets off to a very promising start” -R. Hurwitt, Express

The original flyer from Central Works debut production:

designed by Søren Oliver