Written and Directed by Aaron Henne A Central Works Method Play developed in collaboration with Theo Black, Gary Graves, Joe Jordan, Marissa Keltie, Sylvia Kratins, Gregory Scharpen and Jan Zvaifler.
Produced in: 2011
A land surveyor, known simply as “K.,” who arrives at a nameless village in the middle of nowhere. Looming above the village stands a mysterious and foreboding castle. But the authorities in the castle refuse to admit the nameless land surveyor…until he encounters a strangely “Kafka–esque” figure haunting the halls and corridors of the endless maze.
Theo Black
Joe Jordan
Marissa Keltie
Sylvia Kratins
Costume design: Tammy Berlin
Lighting desighn: Gary Graves
Sound design: Gregory Scharpen
Stage Manager: Louel Senores
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“Central Works scores another hit with its brilliant world premiere of A Man’s Home…An Ode to Kafka’s Castle. If you want theatre that pushes the creative envelope to the limits, don’t miss this show. (George Heymont, Huffington Post, March 18, 2011)
“Strikingly effective…I’ll take Henne’s curious Kafkaesque Wonderland any day.” (Sam Hurwitt, The Idiolect, March 3, 2011)
“Es una estimulante pieza de teatro intelectual, El elenco es sensacional….El grupo de artista es fenomenal” (Mario Echecvarria, SFTribune.com)
Read more about Kafka’s The Castle.