Written by Marian Berges From the Central Works Writers Workshop.
Directed by Gary Graves
Produced in: 2013
Local playwright Marian Berges takes the time-honored Greek myth about a wronged woman with a score to settle, and reconfigures it into the story of a modern jet-setting “execu-diva” in a fractured world of absurdity–a quirky cultural critique with a wicked sense of humor.
This production is made possible with the generous support of the Bernard Osher Foundation, the RHE Foundation and the Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation.
This play is available for licensing! Please contact us for details.
Cory Censoprano
Joe Estlack
Jan Zvaifler
Costume design: Tammy Berlin
Lighting design: Gary Graves
Video: Pauline Luppert
Sound design: Gregory Scharpen
Stage manager: Alandra Hileman
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“a cross between edgy fairy tale and horror film…provocative…edgy…riveting” –San Francisco Chronicle
“Berges’ take on the story is fascinating…full of theatrical magic and excitement…damned good writing.” –Examiner.com
“Delightful . . . over the top . . . absolutely worth the 75 minutes of your time.” –East Bay Express
Read about the original Medea by Euripides.
Read about “The Medea Hypothesis” posited by paleontologist Peter Ward.